The World’s First Permanent Power Charging Road is Coming,Guess Which Country It Is?

Road with power charging function

The World’s First Permanent Power Charging Road Is Coming,Guess Which Country It Is?

The European Union in April passed a landmark law requiring all new cars sold to emit zero carbon dioxide from 2035, as European countries gear up to prepare the infrastructure needed to achieve fossil-fuel-free mobility.
In response to new EU legal requirements, Sweden has decided to open the world’s first permanent electrified road in 2025. The Electric Road System (ERS) works like a charm, allowing electric cars and trucks to charge on the go, driving longer distances between two charging stations, eliminating “range anxiety” and promoting sustainable transport.
Three ways to charge on the road
The Swedish Transport Administration plans to renovate the E20 highway, which is located between Sweden’s three major cities – Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. The Transport Authority also plans to deploy 2,000 kilometers of ERS on roads by 2030, expanding to 3,000 kilometers by 2035. They haven’t yet determined what type of charging will be used on the first highway, though.
As a pioneer in road testing of electrification, Sweden has experimented with 3 leading solutions.
In 2016, a 2-kilometer stretch of road in Gävle in central Sweden opened, using overhead wires to allow heavy vehicles to be charged via pantographs—like electric trains or trams; a 1.6-kilometer stretch in Gotland uses The most advanced is inductive charging, which buries devices under roads and sends power to coils mounted on electric vehicles to recharge them as they drive along the road; Introduced the world’s first charging track, through this conductive charging method, the electric truck can put down a mechanical arm to receive power from the electric track below.
The electrification of the E20 motorway follows a series of successful ERS pilot projects. The Swedish Transport Administration is still considering whether the road will use a conductive or inductive charging system.
Barriers to widespread adoption
Turning just 25 percent of a region’s highways into mobile (aka “dynamic”) chargers could make EVs themselves cheaper, says Jan Pettersson, director of strategic development at the Swedish Transport Administration. Dynamic charging reduces the need for larger single-charge trips in electric vehicles, meaning batteries can be up to 70 percent smaller and cheaper to produce, reducing the overall price of electric vehicles. But it’s a long way off, and even Sweden’s pilot roads will be years away from being ready for testing.
British carmakers and industry lobby groups have repeatedly warned that there are too few charging stations to service the expected number of electric cars on the road. They also expressed concern about possible shortages of battery materials by 2050 or shortly thereafter.
Michael Hurwitz, an expert at professional services firm PA Consulting, said dynamic charging for electric vehicles will be adopted first in exclusive vehicles because the technology is much more difficult when it comes to private cars.
One of the hurdles to overcome is that components from different manufacturers must be interoperable, allowing different car models to charge on the same system. At the same time, installing charging pads below ground can be prohibitively expensive.
There is also the wider challenge of coordination between highway operators and the energy grid and the wider automotive industry.
The need for high-speed electrical connections could make it difficult to achieve widespread road charging. FirstBus, the UK’s second-largest regional bus operator, concluded when it researched wireless charging that the project was too expensive because of the need to power many rural bus stops.


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