Fiber Microsurface Technique
Fiber Microsurface Technique
I. Technical Overview:
Fiber microsurface technique refers to the thin layer structure with high durability, which uses special mechanical equipment to mix polymer modified emulsified asphalt, graded aggregate, filler, fiber, water and necessary additives into thin slurry mixture in accordance with the design ratio and spread on the original road surface, and soon open to traffic.
The main difference between fiber micro-surface and ordinary micro-surface is that the former adds fiber, which can effectively improve the asphalt colloid structure in the dilute slurry mixture. Due to the adsorption, stability and multi-directional reinforcement of fiber, the high temperature stability, low temperature crack resistance and durability of the dilute slurry mixture can be better improved, and the reflection cracks can be effectively restrained and delayed. Improve the service life of the road.
The technology is suitable for asphalt concrete and cement concrete pavement maintenance cover which meet the requirement of structural strength and the surface wear layer of new and rebuilt highway. It can also be used to repair ruts at the micro surface.
Ii. Technical Characteristics:
1, fiber played a reinforcing role in which to reduce or delay the appearance of reflection cracks. Fiber overlapping multi-direction distribution can block the cracking of mixture, so as to improve the anti-cracking ability of pavement and reduce the appearance of cracks.
2. Fiber plays a stabilizing role to improve the high-temperature stability of the mixture at the micro-surface. The distribution of fibers in the asphalt matrix is multi-directional random, forming a crisscross space grid, crisscross fibers formed fiber skeleton structure network and “structural asphalt” network, increasing the proportion of structural asphalt, so as to enhance the viscosity of asphalt mortar, so as to improve the high-temperature stability of the mixture.
3, enhance adhesion, reduce water damage. Due to the large specific surface area of the fiber, it can absorb the oil in the asphalt, increase its viscosity and adhesion, enhance the adhesion of the asphalt and mineral materials, through the bonding of the oil film, improve the bonding force between aggregates.
4. The crack resistance effect of fiber asphalt binder greatly improves the crack resistance of asphalt mixture, enhances the elastic recovery, reduces the appearance of pavement cracks, improves the durability of the mixture at the micro surface, and thus delays the aging and destruction of asphalt pavement.